Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sept. 29, 2010- 7 Feathers RV Resort, Canyonville, OR

We left Mallard Creek yesterday and arrived back in Seven Feathers RV Resort, which is one of our favorite places.  We are only here a couple of days and then on to AZ.  We will be leaving tomorrow and hope to get to Red Bluff, CA , tomorrow.  I am including some more pictures of the RV resort with the autumn colors in the trees.  Today is 84 here.  We have enjoyed their hot tub and swimming pool and our beautiful surroundings.  We had a great rib-eye steak dinner at the Casino last evening.  Looking forward to seeing the family in AZ. but not the heat.  We will be returning to Gold Canyon RV Resort for the next three months.  Enjoy the pictures!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sept. 23,2010 Still at Mallard Creek

Today is a rainy day, so a good day for washing clothes, blogging and reading.  Most of the park has cleared out.  It has been pretty rainy weather this last week.
We did play golf the last two days in sunny and partly cloudy weather.  Will be leaving next Tues. to head to AZ for the winter, but it is still pretty hot there.
We will take our time going back.  The golf course really is looking beautiful since they have been fertilizing etc.  Hopefully, the weather is going to be pretty good for  the rest of our stay.  There is still time to get in more golf!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sept. 15, 2010 Monaco Service Center

Left Mallord Creek to go back to Monaco to get a part for our airbag.  They took it in the next day and repaired it. We bought two front tires, Michelins, and got all our tires balanced and then realigned.  It really drives nicer and smoother than before.  Friday we returned back to Mallard Creek for the rest of our stay as we paid for a month and have a week left.  We barely got in our site when it started to rain. It came down pretty hard.  Today is Sat. and light sprinkles and very socked in.  If it clears up later this afternoon, we might play.  The greens are really wet, but these golfers play rain or shine.  I hope we get to play a few times before we leave.  It is suppose to be like this for the next three days.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

9-12-10 Mallard Creek

 Larry' swing

 Sharron getting ready to swing

 Golf course

 Larry & I with Diego

 Dinner with friends
Diego & Charlie playing


 Larry &  diego

We are still at Mallard Creek Golf and RV Resort.  The first week Jerry & Jean that we met at the Monaco Rally came in right behind us and parked on the same row.They were here a week, and we got to enjoy their company.  We also met Jay and Barbara next to us.  We all would have cocktails and meals together which was really great.  We played golf twice with Jerry and Jean.  Larry & I usually play 9 holes.  We are use to the executive courses and just started playing golf again after about 5 yrs. of not playing at all, so we trying to get in the swing of it again.  The course is tough - a lot of hazardous areas and the fairways are a little rough.
 Jerry & Jean
We have been playing every other day, and the fairways are really looking nice.  They have been aerating them and are improving.  It is so pretty.  We have lost a lot of balls, but have recovered several as well. This park is a small park, but lots of trees and very quiet.  We really love it here.  I will include pictures of our friends, the course and our golf swings.

8-20-10 44th Wedding Anniversary @ Fairview RV Resort, Portland

 RV site

We stayed in Fairview RV Park for a night.  We kept slides in case we couldn't get them back in.  We just want to get it back to Monaco and have them assess any other damage.  We had our 44th Anniversary dinner at Olive Garden.  The park is nice, and I would stay there again.  There is three levels.  We prefer the top level.
 top level in park, view of lower level of coaches
I would stay here again.  This is just a one night stay. See pictures.

8-7-10 Roger & Joanne, Newport Beach, OR

 Joanne and I with their dogs
 Outdoor pool area

 Larry & Roger

 Roger & Joanne's Home in Beverly Beach

 Larry, Joanne, & Roger

 the beach

We have a few days between the Monaco Rally and when the FMCA Rally starts, so we decided to go see Larry's cousin, Roger Stewart.  We are staying at Pacific Shores RV Resort in Newport.  It is right on the coast.  We were able to get a site in which we had a clear view of the ocean.  It was great, as I love to watch the ocean waves, and hear the lapping of them against the beach.  The weather is pretty cool 58-60 degrees.  I have included pictures of the resort as well as Larry's cousin and his wife.
 Registration and Entrance
 Roger & Joanne
 Our view from our site

We were able to visit and catch up after 25years of not seeing each other.  We had dinner the first night at Georges in Newport.  The restaurant was right on the water, and the food was very good.  The second night we went to one of the Casinos that they like to go to for dinner.  Very good!  We all agreed that we shouldn't wait so long to get together again.  Left for FMCA Rally 8-10-10.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

7-29-10 Leaving Eugene to go to Monaco Rally in Salem

 Entrance to park

We got our MCD's installed and the corian steps done, and everything looks wonderful.  Now we are heading to the Monaco Rally in Salem that runs 8-2 thru 8-7.
 Premier RV Resort site
We will stay at the Premier RV resort for a few days until we go to where the rally is at the fairgrounds. I am enclosing some pictures of the park.  Sites are pretty close together, but it is a very well groomed park.

July 22, 2010 Heading back to Oregon to pick up coach

 Ponderosa Lodge
 We left Sat. and decided to stay in Sisters, OR, so we could check out the town.  However, as soon as we got to our room, Larry started feeling ill and was running a high temp.  Consequently, we didn't go anywhere. We stayed at the Best Western Ponderosa Lodge there in Sisters and did get a few pictures of the resort.  The deer were plentiful in the morning outside the fenced area.  Llamas are also kept at the resort. larry felt better the next day, so we left Sisters.

July 6, 2010 - Cabin Donnelly, ID


 Greg & Josie

 Greg's Boat

 Lake Cascade view from Deck

Family reunion in Donnelly, ID. See pictures.