Sunday, September 12, 2010

8-7-10 Roger & Joanne, Newport Beach, OR

 Joanne and I with their dogs
 Outdoor pool area

 Larry & Roger

 Roger & Joanne's Home in Beverly Beach

 Larry, Joanne, & Roger

 the beach

We have a few days between the Monaco Rally and when the FMCA Rally starts, so we decided to go see Larry's cousin, Roger Stewart.  We are staying at Pacific Shores RV Resort in Newport.  It is right on the coast.  We were able to get a site in which we had a clear view of the ocean.  It was great, as I love to watch the ocean waves, and hear the lapping of them against the beach.  The weather is pretty cool 58-60 degrees.  I have included pictures of the resort as well as Larry's cousin and his wife.
 Registration and Entrance
 Roger & Joanne
 Our view from our site

We were able to visit and catch up after 25years of not seeing each other.  We had dinner the first night at Georges in Newport.  The restaurant was right on the water, and the food was very good.  The second night we went to one of the Casinos that they like to go to for dinner.  Very good!  We all agreed that we shouldn't wait so long to get together again.  Left for FMCA Rally 8-10-10.

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