Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sept. 1, 2010 Update @ Mallard Creek

Larry, Diego, and I

Jerry, Jean, Jay and Barbara
Jerry, Jean and  Charlie Thornton
We have played golf a couple of times.  We have been alternating dinners with Jerry and Jean which has been fun.  We have our cocktail and then a lovely dinner.
Last night I had Chili and cornbread and invited our next door neighbors Jay and Barbara Mitchell to join us.  They also had dinner the night before with us at Jerry and Jean's coach.  I finally got some pictures of the group last night which I will include in this post.  Today has been light rain, but comfortable temperature. Larry went to hit some balls and I am blogging.  I am saving myself for golf tomorrow if there is no rain.  The coincidental fact is that all of us live in Palm Desert, Indian Wells for part of the year.   We have left there permanently, but we did live there.  What a small world!

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